A prophetic person who had spent some time receiving revelation from God once said to me, ‘God wants you to know that nothing you can do, can separate you from Him.’ Over the next few years  I found from the Bible and from the teaching of apostolic figures that this is indeed true for all.

That is to say that it is true for those who live from Christ their life rather than from sin management. It’s true even if you don’t believe it. But not true for you if you don’t because you create your reality out of what you believe.

You are not separated from God since the cross. Not unless you have adopted delusionary thinking – which is why we need the mind of Christ and not the beliefs of the god of this world.

This might be problematic for workers and slaves - for those whose religion consists of attempting to make themselves worthy of God – or to those who think that intimacy with God is gained by our success in being free of sin. Well actually it’s not. Your intimacy with God depends on Jesus’ relationship with His Father. Christ is your life and therefore He is your intimacy and the ever open door to companionship with the trinity.
‘Nothing you can do can separate you from Him.’ In Christ you are joined to God with no need to live as though you are in separation. The woman’s word to me was what I already suspected in my heart. It is so whether you can find a text for it or not. When Jesus cried, ‘It is finished!’ all separation between humans and God was undone.
In the post - cross age we are separated from God neither in spirit, or in time or in space. The communion that is the trinity is our communion with God. In Christ we are one with the triune God. The truth of the post cross age has nothing to do with the law and everything to do with your enfolding by God in the Holy Communion of God at the hand of Jesus Christ. Legalism and its law-mongering gospel is the greatest parody ever. I you are part of this it’s time to discover the real Christ and His True Gospel.
You and Father are now one. Any teaching that embodies a partial atonement did not come from God.
In the several years that followed this assurance from my friend above, I found scriptures and read books by reputable theologians that supported the woman’s assertion. The fact is that the Bible teaches that Christ is our life in every way and in everything that pertains to our union with God. He is our believing and our being. His relationship with Father is our relationship with Father. This is succinctly stated in what is known as
the vicarious humanity of Jesus.
But my purpose here is not only about Jesus as the new and living way of union with God. It’s a corollary of it. I speak of the incarnation in which we are embedded in the trinity and the trinity is alive and active in us. It’s important to live from the incarnation because this is the mode of the new creation – Christ in us wherever we are in the world so that the life of God flows through us into every facet of the world. A bunch of theologians are talking..
JMF: Just because a thing might seem spiritual or holy in some way doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to serve God effectively in any other way.
PM: Absolutely. I couldn’t agree more.
JMF: But we sometimes substitute going out and doing some kind of a seemingly spiritual thing, trying to make up for all the other problems in our life, to feel better about our walk with God.
PM: Very true. We have an amazing ability to deceive ourselves.” (1)
Law-keeping and religious motions do not make us holy. Oneness with God is our holiness. Genuine holiness and life-giving good works spring from union with God – which is our starting point. One with God we are holy because God is holy and we spirit and life. The kingdom of God is neither the realm of moralism or good works. It’s the communion of those who agree with God that God has made them one with Himself in Jesus.
We are holy because God in Christ has become one with us. The result is that we are sons/daughters who are the expression of the triune God. Being one with God you are truly yourself in increasing healing and holiness. Such holiness is not piety or conformity to an agenda. It’s you coming into your glory as a person who is an expression of Christ.
The Kingdom of God is not religious. Your field for life-multiplying is not restricted to Christian institutions, congregations of ‘holiness and piety’ or Sabbaths or Sunday Meetings. You have a Sabbath life in communion with God as a son in spirit and in truth.
Life emanates from the incarnated you – not just when you have an anointing.
We distribute light and life by being in the world as sons/daughters, so as to draw people into the life that is already theirs in God. There is no dividing line between sacred and secular since the cross. (There never was before it) In Jesus and because the trinity is in you and you are the manifestation of this -  the whole world has become a temple of God’s presence and glory – disseminated by the glory of people like you.
The hope of glory is now. If you can see God’s genius in making you and all of us the expression of the God, you will also be able to see the futility of attempting to make life out of the law.
To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.’
(1) International, Grace. Trinitarian Conversations, Volume 2: Interviews With More Theologians (You're Included) . Grace Communion International. Kindle Edition.